My land
History - My studies
Northern Ireland
Israel & Palestine
M K Gandhi
Winston Churchill

I was born in Ernakulam, Kerala, India on 11 May 1972. I did my early schooling in
Nirmala Bhavan, Trivandrum. I completed my high school from Christ Nagar School, Trivandum. I did my
pre-degree at Mar Ivanios College, Trivandrum and then completed graduation in engineering majoring in
Electronics & Communication from the College of Engineering Trivandrum in 1993.
After a 2 year stint with CMS Computers Limited in Traffic Management, Energy metering etc..., I ventured
into the world of entreprenuership.
Currently, I am with Radical Corporation, a financial industry
technology provider.
-- Thomas George |
Contact Addresses:
270-03, Union Turnpike
NewHyde Park
NY 11040
Tel (Res): (718) 347 5043
Tel (Off): (526) 357 9797
Email: [email protected] |
TC 4/899
Kowdiar PO
Trivandrum, India 695 003
Tel (Res): (91)(471)433802